Sunday, January 14, 2007

Well I can kind of walk today on crutches, it is hard though, and I am so frustrated. I wish I could just stretch out my leg, or turn over in bed, or bend down to pick up something or put on my clothes. Luckily Robyn is an awesome cook and is making some great meals for me. I think that as soon as my knees heel i will be going to the pool to swim and do some underwater running with a vest on, or one of those floating belts. Robyn says she knew runners who stayed in shape that way, so I will give it a try.

My bike is ok, it just got the handlebar tape all messed up and ripped, so I will replace that, but otherwise she is ok. oh yea and a flat tyre.

Hey Jeni and Newbie, I hope that you guys are still going to train and get in shape for the summer and you too Dad. I still plan on competing this summer, although now I may not be as fast, but I hope to be able to still do the race in June. I have 5 months to get ready, and if I can do it with a broken leg you can do it... But seriously I need your help and support, if I know that you are all training and trying to get in shape, I will be able to get motivation from you and work hard as well.

My hands, chest, knees, ankles and chin are all thrashed up and burning rite now so i am getting off the computer, but maybe leave a comment to let me know if you read this and if I should continue on with this blog.



Lynne said...

Yes, I read it. and Robin is looking so big and round. Cute!!

saltysista said...

How rude of you to say that Robin is looking big and she isn't even pregnant! Oh did you mean RobYn? :)